Lipoprotein(a), is a particle in your blood which carries cholesterol, fats and proteins. The amount your body makes is inherited from one or both parents and is determined by the genes passed on from your parent(s) when you are born. It does not change very much during your lifetime except if you are a women, levels increase as the natural estrogen level declines with menopause. Diet and exercise seems to have little to no impact on the lipoprotein(a) level, however, certain treatments using natural supplements can be successful.


Homocysteine is a type of amino acid your body naturally makes. At high levels, homocysteine can damage the lining of arteries and encourage blood clotting. As a result, high levels may raise your risk for coronary artery disease, heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes.
Having low levels of vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), or vitamin B-9 (folic acid, folate) can cause high levels of homocysteine. Thyroid disease, kidney disease, psoriasis, and some medicines can also raise your homocysteine level.


C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance produced by the liver that increases in the presence of inflammation in the body. Elevated levels can indicate inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and vasculitis. Results from a large number of studies also suggest that over time, chronic high-level inflammation can lead to many serious, age-related diseases such as heart disease, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein that’s made in the liver. Fibrinogen is one of 13 coagulation factors responsible for normal blood clotting.
When you start to bleed, your body initiates a process called the coagulation cascade, or clotting cascade. This process causes coagulation factors to combine and produce a clot that will stop the bleeding. If you don’t have enough fibrinogen or if the cascade isn’t working normally, clots will have difficulty forming. This can cause excessive bleeding.
Low fibrinogen levels can also cause blood clots inside a blood vessel due to an increase in coagulation activity. The clot blocks the normal flow of blood through the circulatory system. This can lead to serious medical conditions such as heart attack and stroke.