& Your Health
Innovative progress in neurotransmitter testing has created creative new ways of treating neurological disorders. Neurotransmitters play a vital role in everyday life. Everything related to mental well being can be traced back to neurotransmissions from the nerves to the neurons or “targeted cells” (muscles, glands and other nerves).
Is Neurotransmitter Testing Right For Me?
Here is a quick quiz to help decide if you have imbalances.
There are more than 40 identified neurotransmitters in the human nervous system.
The many reasons your system could go awry include genetics, diet, lifestyle, environment and hormone imbalances. From learning and concentration to hunger and joy, figuring out your NT balance is an important key to your overall health and well being.
The goal is to get your body back to homeostasis.
With testing we can pinpoint your exact needs.
For help setting up the appropriate test, I am offering a free 15 minute teleconsult to review your individualized situation.
ZRT offers 3 main Neurotransmitter tests.
- The Neuro Basic Profile includes the Major 7 Neurotransmitters: Serotonin, GABA, Glutamine, Dopamine, Phenylethylamine (PEA), Norepinephrine, & Epinephrine.
- The Neuro Intermediate Profile includes the Major 7 plus Glycine and Histamine. This is recommended for those experiencing migraines and/or low libio.
- The Neuro Advanced Profile has all of the aforementioned plus metabolites. It is an even more comprehensive assessment recommended for those suspecting methylation issues.
There are add-ons available to tailor the test to your specific symptoms.